I don’t need Life Insurance! This is a common belief amongst many well meaning and intelligent individuals. In this post, I aim to provide an alternative view to that position.
Some Common Thoughts
Often times, people think they don’t need Life Insurance because they don’t think about Life Insurance. That’s understandable, you may be young and healthy, have no dependents and be financially stable. Besides, nobody likes thinking about their death.
Only consider this, friend. We all have someone we love who we will have to manage our affairs when we pass away. Life Insurance provides you the peace of mind that your family will be protected if you die unexpectedly, giving them the space to mourn stress free.
No, It Doesn't Benefit Me Now!
Another reason we have against Life Insurance is that it only benefits us when we die. This is true in part, the most affordable policies will only pay out when we die or if we get a life threatening illness.
But did you know that there are certain Life Insurance products that can be used to save for your retirement or for a rainy day, tax free?
By You, For You
Probably the most significant objection for Life Insurance is that it’s too expensive. Thankfully, Life Insurance can be affordable, as your death benefit can be adjusted by the amount you spend. Get over $100,000 coverage for the price of a cup of coffee.
Friend, get something in place now. We are all guaranteed to die, but not all guaranteed to leave our family without expenses. Get in touch with the BLCK Insure team to discuss your options.