Why BLCK insure?
So what is this ‘BLCK Insure’ about, exactly? BLCK Insure aims to fill in the Life Insurance gaps within the Black community, regarding education, coverage and protection. It is no secret that our community has faced significant economic and fincancial setbacks, resulting in poor coverage and GoFundMe pages for funerals.
History Matters
The relations between Life Insurance and Black Americans is a complex one. From the post civil war era and into the 1960s, black people faced challenges in accessing Life Insurance from redlining to race based premiums.
In the present day, we see that Black Americans are more likely to have Life Insurance than whites, but blacks have significantly less coverage than their white counterparts in comparison to their salaries.
We Have a Dream
Our vision is that the black community will be empowered to make educated decisions, being in the best position to support and protect their loved ones. We want families to know that life insurance is more than funeral coverage, and that it can change the trajectory of their family’s future. Reader, Is your family protected today? Get in touch with the BLCK Insure Team to discuss your options.